Wholesale Partner Ordering

Updated by Chrissy Rojas

  1. Buy Directly From H.V.M.N.
    Apply to be a Wholesale Partner here! We will review applications as they come in.

    For international retailers beyond our typical distribution, we will contact you on next steps.
  2. The Fine Print
    Please be advised that H.V.M.N. mandates a minimum selling unit of 1 bottle for the 12oz format at MSRP no lesser than $45; and a minimum of 12 units for the 2oz format at MSRP of $59.40 or $4.95 per unit.

    Resellers are under no circumstances allowed to sell on Amazon. H.V.M.N. maintains an active brand registry on Amazon's platform and we will pursue action against unauthorized resellers.
  3. Not seeing what you need?
    Drop us a line at wholesale@hvmn.com

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