How do I use Ketone-IQ® for my Metabolic Goals?
Ketones can help tame hunger and boost your overall metabolic health.
- Take a shot as needed, to help crush cravings and boost metabolism
- Pro tip - Try a shot to help extend your fast!
- Tame your hunger, meet your goals
Ketones, and raising your blood ketone levels, have been shown to significantly reduce ghrelin (1), the hunger hormone. A reduced appetite makes it easier to maintain a calorie deficit and achieve and manage a healthy weight!*
We recommend using Ketone-IQ in combination with healthy lifestyle choices like daily activity and being mindful of your carb and sugar intake.* - Support healthy blood sugar levels
Drinking exogenous ketones, including R-1,3-Butanediol, has been shown help support increased blood D-BHB levels and support in maintaining stable blood sugar levels (2, 3, 4, 5, 9).*
Supporting healthy blood sugar levels is important for maintaining overall metabolic health, a concern given that a significant percentage of Americans face metabolic health challenges.*