How do I use Ketone-IQ® for my Metabolic Goals?

Updated by Chrissy Rojas

Ketones can help tame hunger and boost your overall metabolic health.


  1. Take a shot as needed, to help crush cravings and boost metabolism
  2. Pro tip - Try a shot to help extend your fast!


  1. Tame your hunger, meet your goals
    Ketones, and raising your blood ketone levels, have been shown to significantly reduce ghrelin (1), the hunger hormone. A reduced appetite makes it easier to maintain a calorie deficit and achieve and manage a healthy weight!*
    We recommend using Ketone-IQ in combination with healthy lifestyle choices like daily activity and being mindful of your carb and sugar intake.*
  2. Support healthy blood sugar levels
    Drinking exogenous ketones, including R-1,3-Butanediol, has been shown help support increased blood D-BHB levels and support in maintaining stable blood sugar levels (2, 3, 45, 9).*
    Supporting healthy blood sugar levels is important for maintaining overall metabolic health, a concern given that a significant percentage of Americans face metabolic health challenges.*
    1. 88% of Americans are “metabolically unhealthy.” 6
    2. 75% of Americans are overweight or obese. 7
    3. 34% of Americans are pre-diabetic and 9.4% are diabetic. 8

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